Thursday, 22 March 2012

Going from Notebook to PC

Following all good advice, I put aside the first draft of my novel when it was complete at the end of November '11.

In late December I looked around for a suitable novel text editor, and on the advice of the lovely David Hewson I chose Scrivener from Literature and Latte. It's brilliant. I should probably stress that David's advice wasn't actually addressed specifically to me - although I have met hit a few times and he really is very nice.

So having gotten Scrivener set up I dug out my notebook again in January and started the process of getting the novel typed up. This is NOT a simple process of just typing the words - this is a complete re-write of the story, which is useful given that I now know what happens!

But progress is slow, especially as it has to be fitted around a full time job. But here we are on 22 March and I've just passed the 20,000 word mark. I'm guessing that this is about a third done, and then I get to start properly editing it and generally making it all make sense.

And the really good news? I don't actually hate it yet.

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